Wednesday, December 22, 2010


You know what hurts the most?

        It hurts the most when someone you really trust stabbed you right in the back, but can you call it backstabbing when you're almost both in the same room and you can both hear each other. In addition the one who back stabbed you had a couple of alcoholic drinks, and maybe not in his right mind. And did it occur to you that he's not whispering but telling everybody how you sucked. Plus the culprit doesn't even know what wrong he has done, so might as well tell him or else everybody who was with him at that time will also be puzzled.

         These past few days, I fell so much guilty on what I have done, the most prominent person of our batch left our Christmas party, left a message about backstabbing. All of us at the party were very puzzled, and none of us can remember who, what, when, and why did that happen, and all of us just assumed he just wants to become emotional at that time because he was a little tipsy, and he sucked big time after everybody had received his message. Here comes his birthday, and everybody on his network is greeting him on this really famous social networking site, then of course as a friend. Later that day I found out that he had a comment for my message, and it clearly stated that I WAS THE ONE AT FAULT, for me I was very puzzled, furious and guilty at the same time, puzzled because I can't recall saying something to him, furious because were more than twenty at the party and I'm the only one at fault, guilty because If I had said something well it's because I'm drunk at that time and a little Insensitive. Well I can apologize to him anytime, but the mere fact that I can't recall saying something against him prevents that, in addition he doesn't what to tell what are the things that I have done to him at that time so HOW CAN I FU**ING APOLOGIZE.

Well in my opinion my insensitivity is a big factor on why he stormed out of the party, many people tend to get insensitive sometimes, resulting to pains, fight,s and worse social gaps in their life. But insensitivity runs in the very veins of our group "barkada" as they call it, so if you sulk over an insensitive comment you're in for a trolling big time. And I'm just wondering why me? I can't really remember the events at that time, all I can remember is that I'm fooling hercules and three finger at that time, and we're all happy drinking alcohol so might as well say I'm really not at my usual state of mind at that time that's why I can't figure out what's really happening.

Grow up big eyes, because if you keep on doing that might as well join your gay friends, and be a gay with them, I really meant to apologize if I only knew what was wrong.
P.S. F**K YOU!!!

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