Sunday, July 8, 2012



1. BE HELD BY A HAND... it didn't say, hold on to the hand but rather BE HELD. In other words you have to trust the hand. The hand is the symbol of God, the one who is leading and guiding your life. You have to trust God completely and believe that even though things don't happen according to your plan, God is in control.

2. SHARPENING WILL BRING OUT THE BEST... Problems will always come and pain will be unavoidable, what is important is, how we handle these problems, these sharpenings. Ultimately, these sharpenings will make us strong... will bring out the best in us

3. YOU CAN ERASE YOUR MISTAKES... We will always make mistakes in life but we don't have to stay on those mistakes. We can be in a bad relationship and suffer for it, but we don't have to stay on that toxic relationsip. With God's grace and mercy, we can always be forgiven but we also have to forgive and move on and start afresh.

4. YOUR BEAUTY IS INSIDE... What makes the pencil write is the black lead inside, not the yellow piece of wood or the eraser. The essence of the person is not how she looks, talks, acts but who that person is inside. Finding the God in us is finding the beauty in us. Finding goodness also in others, will also help us find so much goodness in us. Because when we love ourselves, we easily find goodness and reason to love others.

5. ALWAYS LEAVE A GOOD MARK... someday the pencil will be consumed... someday our life will end. You don't know when, so there is no sense in saying " I will be good when I am in college or when I get married or on my next birthday" as if life is always COMING SOON and it's going to happen SOMEWHERE OUT THERE. No, life is about now and where you are. You make the best of what you have, who you are and where you are at the moment. Whether it's cartolina or scratch paper or illustration board, the pencil will always leave a good mark wherever it is used.

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